Work History

Maxwell A. George Jr.

St. Thomas,USVI


Dynamic Manager of Environmental Affairs with over 10 years of experience in environmental planning, regulatory analysis, pollution control engineering and personnel management. Proven ability to negotiate effectively with regulatory agencies and develop innovative solutions that enhance compliance and operational efficiency. A registered Professional Engineer in USVI, dedicated to advancing sustainable practices while optimizing power generation and water distribution operations.


years of professional experience

Work History

Environmental Manager

Virgin Islands Water & Power
04.2010 - Current
  • Manage and oversee the environmental affairs department territory wide
  • Develop departmental weekly, monthly, and annual compliance progress reports to the Authority management
  • Conduct annual employee review of environmental personnel
  • Develop and conduct annual employee training programs for the Authority to include (CEMS, Title V, HAZWOPER, FRP, RCRA)
  • This assisted in increasing awareness among the staff and assisted in the increase in overall compliance with each program
  • Develop and implement various regulatory compliance strategies for the department and the Authority
  • Organize and review the department’s operating budget quarterly and annually
  • Develop, review, train and implement the department’s various operational and regulatory policies: (Facility Response Plan (FRP), Best Management Plans (BMP), Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) program, Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA))
  • Work with various Federal and Local regulatory agencies to ensure the authority’s compliance and develop various operational policies and procedures for continued compliance
  • Collaborate with various vendors and consulting firms to assist the authority in streamlining their data collection/reporting as well as operational needs thus reducing the potential for unnecessary fines and reducing unnecessary costs
  • Developed and orchestrated several training protocols and sessions for various departments throughout the authority to increase efficiency and awareness within the departments thus maximizing regulatory compliance, minimizing waste, and reducing overall cost
  • Spear headed the development and upgrade of the Authority’s Continuous Emissions Monitoring program to ensure compliance with the Authority’s Title V and PSD requirements
  • Developed the Authority’s debris mitigation plan and orchestrated the debris clean-up program after the 2017 hurricanes (Irma & Maria) for the disposal of electrical materials destroyed during those events’ territory wide
  • Developed, Coordinated, and executed the Authority’s compliance plan to maintain good standing with the Title V Consent Decrees that were placed on the Utility in 2013 and 2016 respectively for events that took place in 2003
  • Project Manager for the successful installation of CEMS (Continuous Emissions Monitoring System) systems at power facility in both St
  • Thomas and St
  • Croix
  • The units included (Unit 24 HRSG 2010, Unit 26 2015, Unit 27 2017, Aggreko Units 2019, Wartsila Units 2019 and 2022)
  • Executed project specific strategies that ensure alignment with key company objectives
  • Led complex projects that culminated in the Authority saving millions in potential penalties
  • Implemented internal projects that optimized the regulatory reporting for the company which increased the reporting efficiency
  • Conduct comprehensive reviews of project documentation to ensure compliance with local and federal regulations
  • Perform routine site surveys to assess project progress
  • Engage with senior management, subcontractors, and project staff to drive project success
  • Applied and managed the Title V, TPDES (Territorial Pollution Discharge Elimination System), Terminal Facility and SPCC (Spill Prevention Control and Counter measure) permits and programs for the acquisition of the propane terminal for both the St
  • Thomas and St
  • Croix districts

Environmental Specialist

Virgin Islands Water & Power
07.2002 - 04.2010
  • Conducted facility wide inspections (weekly, monthly, bi-annually and annually) for compliance with the various Federal and Local agency requirements to include (TPDES, Title V, PSD, SPCC, BMP, and FRP)
  • Oversaw and trained the operational and maintenance staff on the need to adhere to the local and federal regulatory requirements that govern the Authority and how that relates to their day-to-day activities
  • Training the staff in how adhering to the regulatory requirements translates not only to the company’s bottom line but the employees’ safety and wellbeing as well
  • This assisted in increasing the facility’s environmental awareness and reduced non-compliance events
  • Prepared numerous monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports detailing the company’s compliance status to various local and state regulatory agencies as well as the Authority’s management
  • Developed strategies for continued regulatory compliance with the various local and state permits (TPDES, Title V, PSD)

Acting Laboratory Director

Roy Lester Schnieder Hospital
12.2001 - 07.2002
  • Oversaw the daily operations of the laboratory
  • Implemented continuing education programs and quality control mandates to comply with Federal and local regulations
  • Negotiated with various consultants and vendors to streamline the laboratory’s operations and needs to maximize the revenues collected and minimize operational waste and cost
  • Prepared various monthly, quarterly, and annual reports for the hospital executives detailing the overall status of the laboratory and the cost saving measures implemented

Assistant Laboratory Director

Roy Lester Schnieder Hospital
05.2000 - 12.2000
  • Oversaw and directed the day-to-day operations of the Laboratory and reported to the Director
  • Developed and implemented strategies for streamlining the day-to-day operations to reduce errors and improve overall efficiency, thus reducing costs
  • Oversaw implementation of the laboratory information system thus streamlining the order system for the lab
  • Conducted continued education for laboratory personnel


Bachelor of Science - Electronic Systems Engineering Technology

VA Beach, Virginia

Associate of Electronic Engineering -

VA Beach, Virginia

Master of Science - Community Health

Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia

Bachelor of Science - Medical Technology

Norfolk State University
Norfolk, Virginia

High School Diploma -

All Saints Cathedral
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands


  • Water quality monitoring
  • Environmental auditing
  • Remote sensing
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • Regulatory analysis
  • Hazardous materials management
  • Air quality monitoring
  • Environmental permitting
  • Environmental policy development
  • Environmental compliance


  • Certificate in Environmental Management, Columbia Southern University
  • Professional Engineer License, USVI


  • English, Fluency in written/oral
  • Spanish, Light verbal
  • French, Light verbal


  • National Honor Society for health-related fields
  • Member of the N.S.U. Medical Technology Society


  • Mr. Dwight Nicholson, Engineer, 340-774-9153
  • Ms. Amy Dempsey, Consultant, 340-690-8445
  • Mr. Ivan Clark, Consultant, 303-885-0532
  • Mr. Gabriel Dore, Manager, 340-626-3744


Environmental Manager

Virgin Islands Water & Power
04.2010 - Current

Environmental Specialist

Virgin Islands Water & Power
07.2002 - 04.2010

Acting Laboratory Director

Roy Lester Schnieder Hospital
12.2001 - 07.2002

Assistant Laboratory Director

Roy Lester Schnieder Hospital
05.2000 - 12.2000
  • Certificate in Environmental Management, Columbia Southern University
  • Professional Engineer License, USVI

Bachelor of Science - Electronic Systems Engineering Technology


Associate of Electronic Engineering -


Master of Science - Community Health

Old Dominion University

Bachelor of Science - Medical Technology

Norfolk State University

High School Diploma -

All Saints Cathedral
Maxwell A. George Jr.